In 2016, 72.6 million Americans were treated for injuries incurred in various accidents. Every day, approximately 23,000 people are injured at work. Combined with illnesses, workplace injuries have an economic cost of over $190 billion annually, while traffic accidents’ economic cost is approximately $1 trillion.
If you have been injured in an accident, you may be eligible for compensation. To receive compensation, you will need to file a personal injury claim. Following these steps will ensure your rights are protected when you pursue your case.
Gather relevant data.
Gather data at the scene of the accident if possible. You may be able to use your smartphone to take photographs of the scene, which can substantiate factors that may have contributed to your accident. Gather contact information for any witnesses. There may be security or traffic cameras in the area that could have collected footage of your accident.
If you were in a car accident, take pictures that establish the vehicles’ location and the damages. You are required to contact the police if anyone is injured in the car accident or if the amount of damage to the vehicles exceeds the state’s minimum. Since the minimums vary from state to state, it’s good to call the police if vehicles received more than dents and scrapes in the accident. Make sure you get the name of the officer who reports to the scene so you can secure a copy of the police report.
You might not be able to take these steps if you were seriously injured. You can still issue a request for information or witnesses in your local newspaper or through community groups on social media.
Seek medical treatment
Have medical professionals evaluate your condition after your accident. You may need to go to the hospital to be referred for medical tests, which can determine your injuries’ severity. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in automobile accidents. Symptoms include severe headaches and pain in the shoulders and neck. Your range of motion may also be affected. You might not experience any of these symptoms for several hours after your accident. Seek medical care when symptoms develop.
Complete all recommended medical tests. Your medical records will play a vital role when you pursue a personal injury claim.
Invest in your needs.
If your range of motion has been affected by your injuries, you can invest in wrinkle free shirts womens. You will reduce the risk of aggravating your injuries because you won’t need to iron these shirts. You can also slip them on one arm at a time, which will make it easier to get dressed without causing pain. You may need to attend meetings with lawyers or other officials in order to get the compensation for your personal injury, and you’ll want to look responsible for these events. Wrinkle-free shirts allow you to look your sharpest without having to strain to iron them.
You may also need medical supplies or assistive devices due to your injuries. Save receipts for all expenses you incur to support your compensation claims.
Hire an attorney.
Consult local personal injury attorneys to help you fight your case. For instance, if you’re in New Mexico, consult personal injury lawyers in Albuquerque who have experience in helping those who have suffered a personal injury get their rightful compensation. Personal injury lawyers are legal experts who specialize in this field of law. They are familiar with all of the potential factors that may affect the amount of compensation you are eligible to receive. If your injuries are severe, they can also secure the legal and medical information needed to support your claim. Personal injury attorneys receive a portion of the settlement as their fee, which means there are no costs to you until you receive compensation. Your injury attorney will guide you through every step of the legal process.
Have your legal team handle the paperwork.
If you opt to hire an attorney, they will file the complaint with the court and arrange for the defendant to be served papers. If you choose to represent yourself, you must determine which court will represent your case. Civil and criminal cases may be heard in district courts, while circuit courts focus on serious criminal trials. The jurisdiction for your case may be affected by the location of the accident causing the injury.
Once you file papers with the court, you must have the defendant served. Identifying information may be available on the police report if police attended the scene. If an unknown party injured you, you might have to take steps to identify them or locate their address. You can have them served court papers while at work or home once you obtain that information.